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It sure has been a HOT minute...

Writer's picture: Sandra WellsSandra Wells

maybe it has been longer and even tho, it takes me a while to sit still enough to put my thoughts to paper...

it eventually happens...

last post was February 7th in 2020, 3 months from being ask to resign from a job that I actually hated, just a few days of my mothers passing from this earth, a few days before my older brother finished an inpatient alchol treatment program who was now homeless (now that mom had passed) & a month shy of a pandemic... whew

as I look back, I find it odd that post was all about apple farming, apple butter, county fair ribbons and a new studio kitchen...

I reckon, that was all I could muster up under the circumstances!

Life is just kinda like that, some days you just don't have words. Well today, I finally feel like typing out an update on my random thoughts and things going on since then. It has been so long we don't have time for all of it, but I thought it might be fun to recap a few!

Forgiving & Giving Grace is real hard...

Spending time with family does help grief...

Carrying out wishes is totally exhausing...

Watching the seasons change gives you hope...

Chickens are entertaining & some days disappointing...

Even too much good food without exercise can make a gal fat...

A pandemic puppy is maybe not a great idea in theory, but is a great companion for all of us including Zena...

Picking carrots is very soothing...

Drowing yourself in work does not always help your soul, but it does allow you to have purpose...

Building something bigger than you is important...Some things are just not easy or may not happen...

& at some point you gotta keep going even if it involves a pivot...


all in all Balance is where it is at & I am making a effort at this currently!

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Oct 08, 2021

I will add to your list....

Making something is very satisfying.

Using up leftovers can be creative...leftover food, leftover scraps, leftover clothes.

Making lists is a good thing....checking them off is even better.

Letting go of a crappy day is good for the soul.

Knowing you are safe right where you are takes away anxiety.

Having your work appreciated makes the work worthwhile.

Life is too short to be fake anything.

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