One of my favorite lines by Penny Lane in the movie “Almost Famous”!
it has been a while in the making, but seriously folks….it really is!
Here at BaseCamp Oklahoma IT’S ALL HAPPENING!

…so you might be asking yourself…”what all is happening??”
So, I thought I would sort out for folks how this all started & how 2022 is going to look here at BaseCamp Oklahoma!
BaseCamp Oklahoma is a multifaceted project that all started with a property purchase. In 2014 when we unexpectedly sold our urban project ”the Wits End” & rented out our condo at the Knox Hotel. We found ourselves commercialess & homeless in 24 hours looking for a property to relocate our treasures, our dog & ourselves.
Well, we looked at houses, but honestly a house is really not a good fit for the two of us (Artist & Adventurer) with a bunch of stuff. So, after much deliberation we settled on an 8 acre property with 2 homes, an art studio & several buildings setting on a creek in close proximity to Lake Murray State Park!

The property was the perfect fit! It was within biking distance to the trails, had a dedicated working art space & the original homestead to host guests!
Since that day we have been busy improving the property, adventuring, creating art & hosting folks from around the globe! In fact we became an Arbnb Host & eventually became a Superhost!
in November 2019 after several years of taking a break in residential real estate sales to focus on urban commercial development, I decided to open up a brokerage to help folks find THEIR BaseCamp. The place they can return to each day after they summit. I don’t care who you are, having a BaseCamp to rest, relax & reset is vital to being ones best self. I consider myself a real estate match maker of sorts! So BaseCamp REALTY was established in a one room office suite Eventually some other agents came over & we rented the adjoining room. I gave it a year to incubate the concept & see how things would go!

2020 was a good year!
So, in 2021 we opted to do an expansion! It started with a search for the right space to promote the brand. After looking around, we negotiated a space in Thompson Square. This space gave us exactly what we needed & a smidgen more. In fact it gave us a retail space to create a hybrid concept of pairing a real estate firm with a home show. A place that we can use to bring small batch artisan products & curated finds to our community. The things to fill their BaseCamp with; to make their time down time fabulous, the things that make folks feel good, create joy & gives folks a boost to tackle their day, week, month & year after year!

This +Showroom is officially opening on December 7, 2021 at 11 AM! Jerold & I look forward to bringing you all things handcrafted with love! We have sourced some awesome products! In addition there is a product line known as “made by the JJ”. Here is sneak peek of what we will have…
In addition as the Carter County apple butter & apple sauce Champion, my kitchen the Grateful Spoon will be offering baked goods each Weds at the +Showroom. I will be partnering with my longtime friend & fellow Carter County Champion Carol with Pink Kitchen! Between the two of us, there will be some delicious sweets & treats!
we want to let you know we also ship!!
We look forward to seeing you soon & are grateful to be contributing to others!
In order to best serve everyone including ourselves, we will be out at Camp during Friday-Sunday with our guest! Monday is our day to reset for the week & we will be in +Showroom Tuesday-Thursday 11 to 5!
We will be offering appointments by request & private shopping experiences also.
I tell folks when it comes to realty….
I am available by phone 7 to 7 & when we are pushing a real estate deal that requires other hours we accomodated that! Agents are also available to assist customer needs.
Our ultimate goal is to take of you while taking care of us, cause it takes us both!
Much LOVE to all…see y’all real soon!
Jerold & Sandra